Info Visa/Passport

.: For any VISA or ESTA application for the U.S.A., our Club can't manage it, only U.S. Embassy in France provides all useful information so please follow this link HERE

Cine Café

After Watching the movies in English (with French subtitles), isn't it nice to be able to discuss them over a cup of coffee with friends?


You have the right to attend to one session for free (NB: you still have to pay for the film ticket)
If you like it then sign up to BDX-USA
(€50 an adult/ €25 a student or a job-seeker).

The "Ciné-Café" offers you to relax by watching an English-speaking movie in its original version (with French subtitles) shown at the Utopia.

Then, everyone meet at the association over a drink or a cup of coffe to share one's impressions  and give one's opinions on the movie.

Click there to see some of the many films we saw.