Info Visa/Passport

.: For any VISA or ESTA application for the U.S.A., our Club can't manage it, only U.S. Embassy in France provides all useful information so please follow this link HERE

►► Celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Bordeaux-Los Angeles twinning, FULL PROGRAM HERE

26-05-2015: Annual General Meeting

This is an important event and all members are requested to attend. This is the annual occasion to:
  • Hear & review the Association's 2014 activity & financial reports.
  • Elect/re-elect members of the Board (Conseil d'Administration).
  • Hear & vote on Strategic Plans & Budgets for 2015-16.
  • Hear your thoughts about how the Association is run, and what we can do to best meet your needs.
Only members in good standing – who have paid their dues – can attend. Guests are welcome after the meeting for un pot de l’amitié.