Part 4: 01/26/15 - 02/01/15
On Thursday, I attended to a job fairs in the Bronx museum of art. This job
fairs was dedicated to start ups from the Silicon Alley, the New Yorker"Silicon Valley". There were about 15 start ups in different fields:
social network, fashion, videogames, charity, and recruitment. I went to the
boothes, discussed with employees, and handed out my resume. But, I have been
told "Good luck" with a sympathetic look by most of the people, when
I said I was French and that I needed a sponsorship. I knew it will be
difficult to find a job here, but I felt how hard it will be now.
Flatiron District, craddle of "Silicon Alley" |
In the afternoon, I met Bénédicte, Françoise's daughter, who is a member of the association and has been living in NY for 29 years. Then, I met one of my conversation partner Deepak in the Grounded organic coffee in East Village. It is a nice cozy place with books on shelves and good loose tea.

On Saturday, I made the acquaintance of another conversation Exchange, Karthik in the café Grumpy in Chelsea. And guess what? He is indian and works in IT, like my other conversation partner. He is high beginner in French but he wants to move to Montreal with his family, that's why he needs to learn French.
The inyard of the Grumpy café in Chelsea
On Sunday, I went to the Gugghenheim with my conversation partner Deepak
and his wife. 3 levels were closed in preparation of an exhibition, but I could
discover an indian painter Gaitonde , whom I didn't know. There were also some of the pictures of Kandinsky
before abstraction: black and white pictures, very different from his famous
compositions, and works of art from his "Der Blaue Reiter" period.
Finally, We enjoyed gazing at the magnificent pictures of French painters and
other fellows: Monet, Renoir, Manet, Cézanne, Dugas, Van Gogh, Picasso ...
It was very delightful!
Gugghenheim Museum with its "non-architecture", work by Gaitonde and Der Blaue Reiter
I came home by crossing Central Park, which was covered with snow. It offered a very winterly landscape. The reservoir Jackie Kennedy, the big lake in the middle of the park, was almost totally frozen, forming a temporary ice floe for birds. Despite of the coldness, there were a lot of people jogging, or walking their dogs, which were wearing coats and socks. There were families which enjoyed playing in the snow. And of course, I could see grey squirrels running in the snow.

The story of the next week will come very quickly!!
While waiting, if you enjoy swimming in the ocean and you are planning to
go to NY by April, this is for you:
The polar bear club goes swimming every sunday in winter... in the ocean!Have a great week! Take care.