Info Visa/Passport

.: For any VISA or ESTA application for the U.S.A., our Club can't manage it, only U.S. Embassy in France provides all useful information so please follow this link HERE

02-06-2015: The President's Newsletter

"Summertime...the best of what might be."

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If you don't know Bordeaux-USA and would like to discover it, feel free to come to one of our events once or twice on any given Thursday (doors open at 6:30). We will answer all your questions after which you can decide if you'd like to become a member of our association.

A Note from the President

"Summertime is always the best of what might be." ~ Charles Bowden
I think after Spring, Summer is my favorite season. It's a time to enjoy the sun, the sea, my garden, visiting with friends & family, finishing projects and just relaxing...actually being LAZY. Just thinking about it makes me want to start Summer NOW!

So with that in mind, have a look below for all the activities we have planned for you in June, July & August. Some might involve a bit of work; however, most will involve fun, food & friends...just what Bordeaux-USA is all about: sharing & enjoying Franco-American friendship & culture!

And remember to sign up for our annual Independence Day Picnic on Sunday, July 5th, when we'll celebrate the 239th 'birthday' 
of the United States. See below for all the details.

I hope to see you soon!
All my best,

Meetings & Activities

Presentations every Thursday ~ Doors open at 6:30 pm. Meetings start at 7:00 pm
Thursday, June 4th - It’s time for our traditional-first-Thursday-of-the-month Pot Luck Dinner. Please bring a Summertime specialty to share and as for drinks, of course red, white or rose wines are always welcome, or bring your favorite juice or soft drink.
Wednesday, June 10th - 2:30- 3:30 pm - Kid's Group -  with Michelle Perez. See below for more details.

Thursday, June 11th - It's the month for our members to show us their expertise & interests! Christophe Becel
is back with a talk he's calling: Inside the Masonic Temple or the Adventure of the Raiders of the Symbolic Ark. Did you know that we have a Grand Masonic Temple in Toulouse? Christophe will tell us about architectural aspects of the Temple and explain the importance of Masonic symbolism. We might even have a Brother of Light join us as well to share a few secrets!

Thursday, June 18th - Just in time for planning your summer vacation: 2 of our members Andrée Destacamp & Melissa Klaas, will take us on a virtual vacation with a talk entitled: Travels: Bordeaux – New York – Chicago – Bordeaux. They will share pictures and stories from these two big cities. We'll see a few of the common, so-well-known, images of The Big Apple, the ones everybody knows but enjoys seeing again. Andrée will also show us her childhood home in The Village. Then we’ll head off to the Windy City, full of old and new architectural gems. Can you recognize a building by Frank Lloyd Wright, Gehry or Burnham?  We'll hear some anecdotes, stories and facts about some of what makes these two cities so special.  Get ready to see some tall buildings!

Sunday, June 21st - Bdx-USA goes to the cinema. Join Concetta & Christian Lapeyre to see a film showing at the Utopia Cinema. We'll go back to the Association afterward for un goûter and a discussion. Contact Concetta at to sign up and watch your email for more information about what movie we'll see.
Thursday, June 25th - We'll finish out June with a talk about the Knights' Code of Chivalry by our member Bernard Siron.  For centuries in France, nobility was hereditary. By contrast, a man born into a peasant family could also become a knight. Eight hundred years ago, the Knight's Code of Chivalry was created to give these brave men a strict set of principles to follow. While the medieval knights have disappeared, there are guidelines from the Code that we still use today. For example the 'fin' amor' or courting a woman to win her heart; children being raised with Christian values from the Code and ladies expecting a minimum of courtesy and politeness from men. The knights were revered as a group of fearless men who were experts in hand-to-hand combat using weapons such as a lance for jousting. Tonight, we'll learn some of the history and intrigue surrounding this forgotten past. 


Thursday, July 2nd - It’s time for our traditional-first-Thursday-of-the-month Pot Luck Dinner.  Please bring a Summertime specialty to share and as for drinks, of course red, white or rose wines are always welcome, or bring your favorite juice or soft drink.
Annual Independence Day Picnic
Sunday, July 5th
1-5 pm

  • Where? Quai de Queyries à Bordeaux-Bastide (a 5 minute walk from l’arrêt de Tram A « Jardin Botanique »). 
(c'est trés Américan!)
and we'll celebrate together!
  • What?
    • Bordeaux-USA will welcome you with l'apéritif, wine, water, drinks, a big 'birthday cake', coffee & tea.
    • Video conferences with friends & family in Los-Angeles, New York and hopefully other cities where Americans will celebrate all weekend!
    • Connection with the arrival of l'Hermione.
    • Cake Contest! Contact Andrée Destacamps at
    • Raffle with great prizes! Contact Armand Glabicki at or Kevin Schwarz at 

For your comfort we'll have tents, tables & chairs.
  • Cost?
    • 3 € for Children under 13 years old
    • 10 € for Children more than 13 years old and Students
    • 12 €  for Members
    • 15 € for Non-members
  • Reservations? 
    • Please reserve before JUNE 26, 2015 by completing le coupon-réponse and send your checks made out to Bordeaux-USA to
      • l'Association Bordeaux-USA, 38 allées d'Orléans, 33000 Bordeaux.
You have the option to sign up on line and
pay through our page at HelloAssoc.

Go to our website
for all the details on
how to sign-up: 
  • Want to Help?
    • To join in the FUN, contact Concetta at
Tuesday, July 14th - Bastille Day - 7:30 - 11:30 pm. If you're not already away on holiday, come and share a Potluck/Apero at the Association with your fellow Bordeaux-USA members, then saunter out to les Quais and watch the fireworks to celebrate Bastille Day!

Thursday, August 6th – 7-9 pm. If you're STILL not on holiday or you're in between 2 holidays, come and share a Potluck with your fellow Bordeaux-USA members!

Bordeaux-USA Forum!

Do you Google? If you'd like to be part of our Google forum, which allows you to exchange tips, ideas, suggestions, etc. with other members of Bordeaux-USA, send Gill Waddelow an email at

Envie de faire partie de notre groupe Google? C’est un forum qui vous permet d'échanger des idées, suggestions, bons plans, etc. avec d'autres membres de Bordeaux-USA. Si cela vous intéresse, contactez Gill Waddelow .

English Conversation Groups


“Everyone smiles in the same language.” ~ Anonymous
So come share a smile and improve your language skills!
Everyone is welcome to try out your first group for FREE!

Every MONDAY from 6:30 to 8 pm: Rebekah Tonnerieux will be facilitating a conversation group.
Fees:  25 euros for 4 group meeting (completed in 5 weeks) OR 8 euros per group meeting.
If you are thinking about joining us during a school holiday or public holiday, please contact Rebekah first to be sure that there will be a lesson.
For further information, please contact Rebekah at 06 26 20 78 65 or by

Every TUESDAY from 6:30 to 8 pm: Kathryn Larcher will be facilitating a conversation group that will help you improve your speaking & listening skills through open discussion based on the interests of the participants supported by a variety of multimedia tools (videos/songs…) along with a light sprinkling of grammar and etymology just for the fun of it. (There is the possibility of also meeting during school holidays).
Fees:  60 euros for 10 group meetings OR 8 euros per group meeting.
For further information, please contact Kathryn at 06 10 34 90 25 or by
e-mail at 

Every WEDNESDAY from 7:00 to 8:15 pm: Anna Moraitis will be facilitating a conversation group for people with all levels of English skills.
This group is aimed at those who want to practice and improve their English skills. All levels are welcome. Anna offers participants the opportunity to work on their reading, listening and speaking skills with a mix of exercises using role plays, team work, and group conversation. Activities are based on people's interests, latest world news, seasonal topics or any juicy gossip. The focus is on getting everybody to participate in a supportive and fun environment. Homework is entirely optional and Anna is open to working with individuals on particular areas they might want to improve.

Fees:  60 euros for 10 group meetings OR 8 euros per group meeting.
For further information you can contact Anna at

Business English Classes with Anna

These sessions are for people interested in applying for jobs at an English speaking company and will include:
  • Getting your CV ready for submission.
  • Learning and practicing professional presentation, discussion & interviewing skills.
  • Role playing basic interview situations.

Anna says this about her experience: “I spent 12 years working for Accenture as a Senior Manager IT Consultant. Besides Strategy Development and International Project Management, I was also actively involved in my department’s recruiting for the London office, both in the UK and the US. Having experience in this area, I would like to offer my help to anyone interested.”
Time Frame:
Each session will be 1h30 with an additional 30 minutes during the week for sending feedback per email on CVs or for doing homework in general. The 
Each session (1h30 class + 30 minute reviews per email = 2h total) would be 50 euros. Number of sessions required depends on each person’s needs.
For more information and to sign up please contact Anna at .

Other Activities

KID'S Group

Once a month Michelle Perez (a long time member of Bordeaux-USA) will be facilitating a Kids Group for parents & children to share, learn and/or improve language skills...and just to have FUN!

For more information and to sign up please contact Michelle at (best to contact her by phone) or .

BOOK Group

If you love reading and talking about what you read, join our Book Group for lively and stimulating discussions about our selections. For more details contact Danièle Meriot at . In general we read and discuss 6 books a year. So watch your email and the Meetings section above for more details. The next meeting will be in SEPTEMBER when we'll be discussing "Charlie Fig and the Lip" by Steven Charnow. We're in for a treat this time, as we're planning a discussion with the author LIVE FROM NEW YORK! Watch your email for details.


Click the button below to register as a new member or renew your membership. (You'll be taken to a PDF document to print and complete. **Give it a second to open** Please return to Bordeaux-USA with your membership dues.

Sign up for Membership Now!

Full details of membership rates in the membership form.

Completed membership forms and dues owing need to be received at l'Association Bordeaux-USA, 38 allées d'Orléans, 33000 Bordeaux.

Stay in touch with Bordeaux-USA:
