Info Visa/Passport

.: For any VISA or ESTA application for the U.S.A., our Club can't manage it, only U.S. Embassy in France provides all useful information so please follow this link HERE

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November 19th, 2015: Dare to get dazed by Dolores


Dolores Haze doesn't ring a bell? Of course not, her school girlfriends would call her Dolly and her mother Lo, but for Humbert Humbert and the world's readership, it's plain Lolita.

The book club of BDX-USA is happy to present their view on Nabokov's scandalous novel, which is, besides its hot-button topic also full of literary riddles and puns.
So novelist's intellectual game, account of nefarious relationships or both?
Up to you with the guidance of the book club members to clear up  the haze surrounding the enigma called Lolita.