Few elections are heating and crucial like the 2016’s American election. Who will win, Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton?
If the media and some of the foreign politicians such as Hollande or Sarkozy made clear they would like to see the former First Lady sitting in the Oval Office, American citizens, the only ones legitimate to vote, seem to think differently.

Trump, say any kind of non-political attitudes from sexism to xenophobia, he is said to be guilty of all of them. Also was not he recently accused of being mentally imbalanced and simply inexperienced?
Though, Clinton’s political heritage does not really help her: from the deleted emails to the Benghazi scandal, not mentioning her supposed poor health, she does not seem a better choice.
Therefore, BDX-USA decided to offer to you a summarized review of both parties’ political program (foreign and domestic affair) and cherry at the top of the cake, we will do a mock election to see whether Trump or Clinton win French votes. Unless Mickey Mouse wins! ("Vote blanc" does not exist in the USA, however if you choose a non-existent or silly candidate such as Mickey Mouse, it will be still taken into account).