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BDX-USA April Book Selection

Dear all,

here is the selection of books of the month. They are on display in the foyer of BDX-USA.

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by M. Twain

After he had passed out because of a crowbar  blow on his head, a superintendent of an arm factory woke up facing, not the interior of the factory but a landscape fresh out of a picture book. He also realized he was wearing from head to heel, a helmet, a shield, a sword and a prodigious spear.

As you may have guessed it, our fellow had been transported backward to the England of King Arhtur's time!

Can a Yankee fit into King Arthur's court?

Vanity Fair by W. M. Thackeray

Self-serving social climber and anti-heroine Backy Sharp will do anything to raise her status and attain wealth and standing with smart society.

Clever, lively and resourceful, orphan Becky is the total opposite of her naive and sentimental schoolmate Amelia Sedley, a pampered yet good-natured girl from a wealthy family.

As both women build their lives in London, Thackeray decadently satirizes the corruption and flaws of the Victorian society.

The world as a doll house in Thackeray's mind.

The Plumed Serpent by D.H. Lawrence
Kate Leslie, an Irish widow visiting Mexico, finds herself equally repelled and fascinated by what she sees as the primitive cruelty of the country.

But she later becomes involved with two Mexican men whose political and religious ideals will change  her perceptions. 

Caught up in the plans of these two men to revive the old Aztec religion and political order, she surrenders to a "blood-conscious" power came from the old ages.

The mesmerizing gaze of Quetzalcóatl, the plumed serpent.