Info Visa/Passport

.: For any VISA or ESTA application for the U.S.A., our Club can't manage it, only U.S. Embassy in France provides all useful information so please follow this link HERE

Celebrate Thanksgiving 2021 together on Nov 25th !

Delicious food, friendly people and always some wine,
it's what I call a successful merry-meeting !

 Time to book your seat for this American Tradition, more popular and important than Christmas !

 When : Thursday November 25th at 7pm (end at around 11pm).

 Where : Restaurant « RestÔ&Cie » in Bègles (17-19 rue Robert Schuman – accessible by Tram C « Terres Neuves » –  Station V3 « Terres Neuves »).

 What : a traditional Thanksgiving diner : aperitif, coleslaw, stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce, green beans & mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and a glass of Bordeaux wine.
-Vegetarian meal possible on prior request via your reservation-

 For whom : the members of Bordeaux–USA, Consul of USA, the students and representatives of the Center of California based at the University Bordeaux Montaigne, the members of Bordeaux Women's Club, … and YOUR FRIENDS !

 Costs :
Child (until 12 yo) : 10 €.
Teenager (13-18 yo), student & job-seeker : 25 €.
Adult : 27 €.
Non-members : 29€.

-o- Participe to the Raffle to support the Club! -o-

 Reservation by November 18th 2021 at the latest by registering directly online !
Seats are going fast ... so RESERVE TODAY !

-- payment by credit card --